Title: Hall Effect Sensors: Exploring the Science and Application In the broad field of electronics, sensors serve as...
Calculating Total Kilowatt-Hours for a UPS Battery System
An Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) is an essential component of any data center or any infrastructure where a...
Understanding Circuit Breaker Labeling: What Does “20AF 20AT 3P” Mean?
As a vital safety mechanism in every electrical circuit, circuit breakers play a crucial role in preventing damage...
Understanding High Voltage Dielectric and Electrical Insulation Resistance Tests: A Comparative Study
In the realm of electrical engineering, ensuring the safety and functionality of equipment is paramount. Two critical...
Understanding the Dynamics of Out-of-Phase Waveforms in AC Power Systems
AC power systems are at the heart of most of our modern electrical infrastructure. They enable the transmission and...
Transmission considerations of alternating current (AC) and high voltage direct current (HVDC)
In the world of electrical power transmission, alternating current (AC) and high voltage direct current (HVDC) play...
Why DC systems don’t involve reactive power?
The concept of reactive power comes into play in AC (Alternating Current) systems, not in DC (Direct Current) systems....